Pack - Anna Öhlund/

Trust, the backbone of all relationships.

Building trust in a group takes time, constant effort and consistency. Without it, collaboration is difficult and the climate often unhealthy. So what does it take ? The weather is fine, the snow is there and the overexcited dogs are ready to go. The musher gives the signal and the team sets off. After a few hundred meters and a mistake by the inexperienced handler that could have cost the life of a member of the pack, the lead dog turns back. Confidence is gone.

From then on, it was useless for the musher to give orders. Trust is deaf to injunctions and opposed to force. This bond must be forged and strengthened if we are to set off together in the same direction. It's impossible to conquer the great outdoors, to take collective risks, without trust.

Respect, kindness, reliability
Trust between humans and animals is built on mutual respect, genuine benevolence and reliability. As human beings are animals “almost” like any others, these elements also form the basis of our bonds of trust. Added to these are integrity, loyalty, vulnerability, empathy and, of course, competence.
Of all these, I feel it's important to separate competence from the rest. Although it's necessary in all areas, a technical error is often more easily excused than a lack of loyalty, or a lack of trustworthiness.

No trust, no collaboration
When team members don't trust each other, collaboration becomes difficult. Direct communication is often avoided, ideas are not shared, help is not sought, and reluctance to work together becomes entrenched. Inevitably, conflicts increase and productivity and quality of work decline. Lastly, the lack of trust creates a noxious climate that impacts morale and may lead some to leave the organization. This impacts on the way each individual works, with unfortunate repercussions on the group's systemic structure. The cost of a lack of trust within teams is therefore immense for the organization as a whole. So what is needed to achieve the desired level of trust and collaboration?

How to build trust
Building trust is an ongoing process that requires time, consistency and constant commitment. For team members to trust each other (and for oxytocin levels to rise), they need to get to know and understand each other. This means taking an interest in others, and learning about their needs, expectations, skills and difficulties. Without exception, all these steps require attentive listening.
To achieve this, it's important to spend time together, experience things, take on challenges, laugh and value successes

We have observed the negative impact of isolation and lack of contact that 100% teleworking has had on many teams. Today, the right balance is found with a mix of face-to-face and remote working. This is where team coaching or activities designed to create or re-establish a better understanding between team members and reinforce trust are needed. An opportunity to turn each person's differences into complementary strengths.